Third Party Assurance Controls reporting
Contact Info.
- Office 101, 1st Floor, 24 Piraeus Street Strovolos, Nicosia, 2023
- +357 22277222
- +357 22277277
Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm
Friday 8am-2pm (GMT +2) - [email protected]
- Office 202, 2nd Floor, 15 Nafpliou Str. Limassol, 3025
- +357 22277222
- +357 22277277
Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm
Friday 8am-2pm (GMT +2) - [email protected]
- St. Georges House, 6th Floor, 15 Hanover Square
- +44 2035146999
- +44 2036088352
- Monday-Friday: 8am – 6pm (GMT)
- [email protected]
- 14/F China Hong Kong Tower, 8 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
- +44 2035146999
- Monday-Friday: 8am – 6pm (GMT +6:30)
- [email protected]

Organizations’ depend on third party service providers for a range of critical services and support with hosting or managing financial and non-financial information and outsourced critical business operations.
Service organizations must demonstrate that they have proper internal controls in place for the outsourced business operations undertaken on behalf of their clients. Service organisations must accurately communicate the integrity of their financial and non-financial internal controls, data security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy to their stakeholders.
In today’s highly competitive marketplace, the Service Organization Controls (SOC 1 & 2) or Internal Standard of Assurance Engagement (ISAE 3000 & 3402) Reports are intended to build trust between organizations and its stakeholders for the outsourced services by providing assurance over service organizations’ internal controls and processes.
Organizations can outsource operations but they cannot outsource the accountability for them.